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Jakarta EE Committees

Marketing Committee

The focus of this committee is on marketing, branding and community awareness and produces and executes the marketing plan for the release based on the Jakarta EE Key messaging provided by the Steering Committee.

Specification Committee

The Specification Committee is responsible for implementing the ​Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP) ​for all Specification Projects under the purview of the Jakarta EE Working Group. This committee ensures that JESP is followed as intended, votes to approve creation reviews, progress reviews and release reviews submitted by Specification projects.

Steering Committee

This committee owns the overall strategy and the high level, long term roadmap spanning across multiple releases, produces the Jakarta EE release key messaging and gets periodic updates from other committees and Jakarta EE Platform Project on the status of the release and any related activities.


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Roles of Jakarta EE Committees during a Release Cycle

This document provides a short summary of the roles and responsibilities of Jakarta EE Working Group Committees during Jakarta EE releases.

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Guidelines for website maintainer

This document provides a short summary for a selected website maintainers who are also Jakarta EE Working Group Committees members.

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