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Jakarta WebSocket 2.1

Jakarta WebSocket defines a API for Server and Client Endpoints for the WebSocket protocol (RFC6455).

New features, enhancements or additions

  • Issue 190 and Issue 192 Clarify that once the container has identified a MessageHandler for a message, the MessageHandler is used for the entirety of the message irrespective of any subsequent changes to the MessageHandlers configured for the Session.
  • Issue 207 Add a getter for the default platform configurator.
  • Issue 210 Provide an API for client-side TLS configuration.
  • Issue 211 Remove the restriction that, in a Jakarta web container environment, endpoints can only registered during the deployment of the web application. Also add a new method, ServerContainer.upgradeHttpToWebSocket() that allows a web application to programmatically dispatch a request to a WebSocket endpoint.
  • Issue 228 Clarify the expected behaviour for Session.getRequestURI(). The full URI should be returned.
  • Issue 235 Clarify the expected handling of user properties.
  • Issue 382 Clarify that a zero or negative value disables the session idle timeout and improve the language used in the Javadoc for the other timeouts.
  • Removed the copy of the jakarta.websocket.* classes from the jakarta.websocket-api jar and replaced the copy with a dependency on the jakarta.websocket-client-api jar.
  • Added JPMS module descriptors that define the client module name as jakarta.websocket.client and the server module name as jakarta.websocket with the server module depending on the client module.

Removals, deprecations or backwards incompatible changes

  • None

Minimum Java SE Version

Java SE 11 or higher


Compatible Implementations

  • Eclipse Tyrus 2.1.0-M3


Release Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2022-05-04 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Kenji Kazumura Fujitsu +1
Tom Watson, Emily Jiang IBM +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Andrew Pielage, Petr Aubrecht Payara +1
David Blevins, Jean-Louis Monteiro Tomitribe +1
Ivar Grimstad EE4J PMC +1
Marcelo Ancelmo, Martijn Verburg Participant Members +1
Werner Keil Committer Members +1
Jun Qian Enterprise Members +1
Zhai Luchao Enterprise Members +1
Total 10

The ballot was run in the mailing list

Plan Review

The Plan Review Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2021-05-14 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Kenji Kazumura Fujitsu +1
Dan Bandera, Kevin Sutter IBM +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle no vote
Andrew Pielage, Matt Gill Payara +1
Scott Stark, Mark Little Red Hat no vote
David Blevins, Jean-Louis Monteiro Tomitribe +1
Ivar Grimstad EE4J PMC +1
Marcelo Ancelmo, Martijn Verburg Participant Members +1
Werner Keil Committer Members +1
Dr. Jun Qian Enterprise Members +1
Total 8

The ballot was run in the mailing list

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